
Spurred back into Blogging

I know it has been forever since I last wrote a personal blog entry (My "Professional" blog entry is at http://www.rogerawebb.com), but I was up watching an infomercial at 2am a few days ago... and an ad came on during it that really put a burr under my saddle. I figured I would share my frustration and get the world (Hi Mom!) equally as frustrated along side of me.

The spokesman for this product is Lee Majors. While Mr. Majors has been in numerous TV shows, the most notable was "The Six Million Dollar Man" (at least to me). "The Fall Guy" was good.. but come on... SMDM was SO much more fun to watch! This product was playing off him being the Six Million Dollar Man. He even talks about it in the Commerical (Video on the site below).

The Product is "The Bionic Rechargable Hearing Aid". In the commercial found on the site (which is the same on TV) he talks about Bionics and his Role on SMDM.

Of course.. If you havent noticed the OBVIOUS error in this whole concept... You apparently werent a fan of SMDM. The bionic ear was in THE BIONIC WOMAN... not the bionic man! The Six Million Dollar Man had a bionic EYE.

Shouldnt this product have been endorsed by Lindsey Wagner ... The bionic woman.. she had the bionic ear. If you remember she had to move the hair off her ear to use it ... whihc ..why the bionic ear couldnt hear through her hair... but could hear miles away... is another blog entry for another time. Maybe Ms. Wagner couldnt get out of her sleepnumber bed contract. I dunno.

I guess its all about Marketing! I'm just saying...

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