
I, Roger, was WRONG!

There, I have admitted it. Thats the first step. However before y'all think "Which one was it this time?", I will explain myself.

I hate cats... but I love my wife! Shortly after I got married, My wife talked me into getting a kitten. Now, if there are any girls reading this... they probably just all thought "Awe.. how cute." And well, I have to say... Buddy was a cute kitten. He was the runt of the litter that we found in a cardboard box outside a grocery store on the way to church one Sunday morning. Still being within the first six months of being married, I couldn't say no to Caty, so I said... "Ok. But I'm not taking care of it."

Buddy was a good kitten. It only took knocking him across the room a couple of times to learn not to get up on the kitchen counter, or the bed.. or the couch. It only took once for him to learn not to sleep in my shoe. Of course, he also quickly learned not to get under my foot as I was putting it down on the floor. (The last one, Caty heard him learn from across the apartment. I stepped fully on his little 4 month old body. And, you know my foot, so I looked down and didnt even see him.)

Buddy lived (despite my efforts) a relatively short life. He lived to be 9 years old. He died of kidney failure. While I still say I hate cats... I tolerated Buddy. He learned well, but he was still considered to be stupid.

2006 was the year I was proved to be incorrect in my thinking. Yes. I was wrong. You see, once again... My wife talked me into getting another cat. It wasnt like it was the first ones she (and the kids... now that she had reinforcements) asked to get. Each time I had resisted. Well, She talked me into getting another one. And this one.. well, she caught me at work while I was thinking about other things entirely. I actually gave her the option. Inside, I remember thinking, well, it couldnt be as stupid as Buddy was.

Well, Like I said, I was Wrong. Root Beer is the absolute stupidest cat on the planet. Yes, thats right.... THE PLANET! Even though Buddy is technically still on the planet.. hes under ground at our old house in Lakeway... Im talking alive. However, in the few months that we have had Root Beer, I have come to terms that... Buddy was the absolute smartest cat that has ever lived. Buddy was Amazing.

I used to think that Buddy was worthless and had no point to him. Seeing Root Beer, I realize that Buddy was much more than I could comprehend at the time.

Buddy was a genius before his time! And I didnt see it until later.

While I'm sure there is a lesson that can be learned from all this.... I would hope it is more than.... "Roger was wrong for the first time." But, if that is the only thing that can come out of this... I dont mind... we can't all be perfect. But, I still hate cats!


faith said...

Ha. Haha. Cats are pretty darn stupid. Yet they are stupid in that irritatingly intelligent way sometimes...maybe you know what I'm talking about. Kudos for posting. I am too lazy...

Anonymous said...

Cats are the most irritating animal on the planet.

They are also the stupidist.

Some countries like to eat them.

I don't blame them, maybe they are good for that.

Brian said...

And yet they are still taking over. So all you cat haters out there better run for the water. Your ears are vulnerable!

Jake said...

My cats are both really annoying. not too bright either...

Cluck said...

Roger, have you seen my new post? Of course you haven't, nobody cares about me anymore!

Caty W said...

Ok, I feel I must defend our useless cat so I went through the hassle of signing on to get a google account, from which I'm sure I will be spammed mercilessly. Anyway, the cat just killed yet another scorpion. So there. He can be useful.

Curtis Wayne said...

Examples, Rog! Examples!!!