
Game called on account of snow.

Yes.. I havent written my blog in a while. I was trying to create dramatic tension. A whole whisper conversation of "What's Roger gonna throw at us next?" Well, I didnt mean to make it what 3 or 4 weeks of whispering... However, the time has come to end it... Today is that day!

So what to write about. Well, I have the day off today because of the snow and Ice. I figure that all the people from up north are laughing hysterically at our entire city. Almost everything is shut down. I do have to go to HEB tonight.. But we are closing the store at 10pm instead of 1am!

But the real story today.. is that the highly anticipated Tuesday Ping Pong game between The Box and me. Yes.. it got cancelled. As Box said on the phone... "This may be the first ping pong game in history to be called on account of snow and ice." But alas, to everyone's dismay, there are no ping pong scores today. Im sorry to tally disappoint you all.

I guess The Box got lucky this week. For I have no proff that today was going to be my day! Thats ok.... I have too much fun just playing it.


Cluck said...

Hey friend, maybe YOU can help me out. Nobody else seems to care that I am missing, but you have to! How could you not love the youth group mascot? Come on my tall friend, please help out a lonely chicken!

Roger said...

Cluck, As a volunteer fire fighter... Im sure I can come up with a few things to do to ... err.. with.. the chicken of Doom!

Jake said...

That post was sadly disappointing Roger. Brief and not very informative. But a post none the less, so I can't complain. Even though I just did...