
The Air of Worship!

As Box said in his blog Monday.... "It's Monday and that means it's time to blog." So, here I am... Doing my "duty" (has this become a youth leader requirement?) . After all, I hear Krista even updated her blog. I certainly dont want to be left behind... so, here it goes.

Today, I want to share with you a thought I had (yes.. I have them!). One of my favorite verses in the Old Testament is 2 Samuel 6:22. But, I have rarely ever read AROUND that verse. While I wont go into a full thought process on the entire thing, I would like to point out a few things that jumped out at me. Read 2 Samuel 6:12-23 sometime...

1) David was doing something God wanted... and he was GLAD to do it. (vs. 12)
2) He was dancing... (vs. 14) or as said.... leaping and dancing (vs. 16)
-- 2a) before the Lord... not others!
-- 2b) with all his might. Not just half way.. or to himself.
3) David involved everyone in his experience (vs. 19)
That was cool. Giving a cake of bread to Everyone! That would be so much fun.
4) He uncovered himself in an undistinguished way. (vs. 20)
5) Michal despised him in her heart for what he was doing (vs. 16)

I find myself on a portion of both sides of the coin on this one. I dont think Ive ever celebrated like David... However, I'm not the King, so Its still not socially acceptable to leap and dance in an "undistinguished way" (love the wording for .. Stark Naked!) But, I do like getting into the music when I am running sound! I'm pretty awesome at the "air bass" or the "air drums". Just cause I dance like a white guy, doesnt mean that I cant do it. The question is... Why do I only do it when Im in the back behind the sound board. Its celebrating and worshipping GOD!

However, that being said, I've also been in the position of Michal. I've seen other people worshiping in their way and thought "How wierd is that". So from that perspective...that hit home too. I find it extremely interesting that vs. 23 was added after that. While I'm still working on the whole Slave-girl section of that whole text... I'm sure vs. 23 was added for some reason. But, in that ... First pass mentality, that has to be a bad thing. So, despising someone because of their style of worship cant possibly go over real well with God.

I always have loved worship. Being in a mass of 3,000 highschool students.. or 20,000 college students is AMAZING. (If you EVER get the oppertunity to do that... DONT Pass it up!) Being in our sunday services is almost as amazing... the sheer number of people just sound different. I've played bass in a worship band. Even led it once. Wierd but, absolutely a fun time leading people in worship. But, I have to admit, My favorite way to worship.. is rarely a time I actually feel like *I* am worshipping. I absolutely adore running sound for a worship band. While I'm not leading people in worship... the way I see it, I am helping. Worshipping with a band is a totally different experience than worshipping with a single guy playing an accoustic guitar in a small group. If there is anything that sounds ....wierd.. in the sound.. peoples minds tend to focus on that. So, I see it as my oppertunity, to attempt to take away the techincal distractions during worship so that everyone else can keep their focus on God.

Believe it or not... I think I get the same...feeling...from running sound as I do when singing as one voice in a group of 20,000.


Krista said...

Nice posting Roger. Look at doing a little exegesis on the text. Next thing I know you are going to want to do some teaching too. Your heart for worshipping God is really good. I hope that more of our guys can pick up on that and follow you in it.
As for ping pong this week, you might need to be in prayer that God would give you the skills you need to beat me. Because I took you down in only 4 games this week. Beating you 11-21, 18-21, giving you one game at 21-17, and then finishing you off at 19-21. The victory is mine!

Jake said...

I totally get what you're saying. Whenever I see people dancing around on Sunday morning (I love the sound booth perch, don't you?), my first thought is "that's weird" but then I think about how they don't care. They're just worshipping God. I love that. Why can't we all have that same heart? I think I'm going to have to post about that, but at a later time. I also find that back in the sound booth I can worship with out distraction, tweaking the sound, making worship less distracting for others as well, and I like it. I would much rather be worshipping with my bass or with the piano, but I get to worship in a different way back in the sound booth. I love that too.

Roger said...

Box: Yeah.. So you have beaten me the second week in a row... It will happen... Maybe my teaching that you talk about... will be on being humble!

Jake #2 : The Bass guitar is a good way to worship... But I prefer the board!