
Making a fool of yourself.... and loving it!

So I was getting caught up on people's blogs and comments (since I needed a good topic for mine) and ran across the blog of Jason where he "announces" the video of Jonathan. Now while I understand that the Highschoolers might not realize what a significant event this was... I believe that there were some interesting things to note from this and even a moral or two.

Significant Note #1 : I find it interesting that a highschooler tried to talk about the "hype". The hype had been building since Authentic Faith weekend, which.. he was not at. The presentation did indeed live up to the hype. Weather the hype was high.. or low!

Significant Note #2: I think that this note can come from the inner workings of Two14 Guitar Guy's comment. It assumes that when Jonathan is a Senior someone (even a 7th grader) will think that he is the coolest! THAT, is a humorous comment in itself. But, the idea that we would have to pull out this video to expose his "true dorkness" is simply... Insane. When he is a Senior, he will still be showing his true dorkiness.

Significant Note #3: Jonathan... Thinking something like that would be forgotten? Shame on you. We had to video tape it... That way... When you are a senior and have to do it again, we can meld the two videos in together, and put another one up on the net for all to see.

Significant Note #4: Should we ever let him forget this? No way!

Significant Note #5: don't underestimate the power of the Insane!

Moral of the story #1:
As we all learned from the "Tea Pot" escapade, Jonathan... And people like him (I know, it takes one to know one!)... Will always do things that regular people would think they would NEVER do... Like sign "I'm a little tea pot" in front of a room of people, or wear a court jester outfit to work, church, and a renaissance Festival! There are those (JESSICA) that would say they would NEVER do things... But, you just don't know. There are some people that would do anything for a laugh... Like be "forced" to sing the "Tea Pot" song... And there are others that if they did that, they would be absolutely devastated with embarrassment. Embarrassment is good for you... keeps you humble.. and eventually you get used to it...and you become a youth leader!

Moral of the story #2:
I can only hope that Next retreat, Jonathan is a bit more cautious when he goes and gets in on a bet that the loser of a game has to do something. While I'm sure this kept out most people... When Jonathan showed up... It became the entire talbe of people VS. Jonathan. The writing was on the wall before you made your first die roll Jonathan. You WERE going to end up at the bottom of the winner's list... they just all had to figure out how to make that happen!


Jonathan said...

First of all I would like to say that I think it lived up to a high hype. Second when would I be forced to sing it again? Ha! Also Roger...I am not going to be able to go to the next retreat right? I will be in highschool.... I also think I had a little chance of winning. Later!!

Jonathan said...

Also.... can you possibly find a good version of the Linux operating system? It is supposed to be very flexible in certain aspects. That would be great! Thanks!

Roger said...

Jonathan... I dont think that was your last retreat... Im still going to them and making a fool of myself and I'm..... much older than highschool.

Brian said...

I think I misused the word "hype," It was really more like, let's say "gibber-jabber" (I love that word) It was only disappointing for me because it didn't seem like Jonathan embraced his embarrassment. You know what I'm talking about?

Anonymous said...

Well I agree with Roger, the video was pretty great. I would like to tell Jason that I HATE QUICKTIME... save it as a different file type please! Every time I want to play something in quicktime I have to pull out my computer and reorganize my audio setup so that it plays the sound. I can explain if you want... but what a pain! I didn't even think there was sound until Baker told me about it. Anyway, Jonathan's video was very nice.

internetjason said...

Roger, your comments further my opinion of you...that you are a genius.

Jonathan, you're a big dork, but I love you anyway. Forget about Linux.

Collin, get over it and learn how to configure your computer properly.

Jonathan said...

I am not going to forget Linux!! I will succeed!

Jake said...

I comment in order to announce my presence. Done. I can't think of any thing else to say.