
Wont this be interesting....

Howdy to the one person on the planet that will ever read this! (Thanks Mom!)

Seriously, (Can you be serious on the internet?) Jake told me I needed one of these... and that people would actually read it. So, who knows, I'll try it.

The First question you are asking yourself, even higher than "Who is this guy?" is "Whats up with the title?" "How thin is the air up there?" isnt exactly the meaning of life... Well it is close! When people ask me that (and believe it or not.. they do) I would expect that they really do think that the atmopheric contents of air can change somewhere between 74 and 78 inches off the ground. (Ok you Jr Highers... Thats 6'2" and 6'6") Of course, that being said, I do believe there is something to that as it would explain why people think my brain does not get enough oxygen which makes me slightly on the insane side. "Insane"... what a silly expression to use for me.

Jim, one of my co-workers, believes that I have a "Happy Gene". He actually has a medical reference for it somewhere like WebMD or something (if you want the article... let me know). I dont know if I believe that or not. The whole idea of Genes determining personalities... thats just not right. Im happy because of my past. God has always worked things out for me. Its the whole... "And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to his purpose." - Romans 8:28. In a nutshell, why worry about things... God's got it all covered. All that to say.. A Happy Gene.. sounds like an 'scientist' trying to take God out of my life. Sorry Bud, My life, My story, My Experience, My testimony.

YES! What a great thing to yell when walking into a room full of people. I dont think Id try it with a group of adults (except maybe on the Men's retreat with Church)... But, it seems like it always seems to work in camp dining halls. At least it has as long as I can remember. Which reminds me... I have to go fill out the questionaire for the HCBCSW student ministries leader profile on the web site.


internetjason said...

Welcome to the dark side Mr. Webb.

Roger said...

Yes.. I feel honored to be among the popular!

Jake said...

Your not popular. You just submit to peer pressure. That doesn't count. But anyway, I will be reading your blog, so if you want, you can feel popular for that reason, because, you know, I make people popular by reading their blogs. It has nothing to do with the fact that Box put you blog on the two14sw website. You are popular because I...never mind. I think I lost it. Well, welcome aboard anyway. You are in for a not so exiting ride, probably ridled with boredome...

Brian said...

Now I won't be the only one uncomfortable in every plane and movie theater chair. What that has to do with blogging, I don't know. Welcome fellow larger person...

Jonathan said...

Boohya!! Rager has himself a blog!! This is sooooo cool!! You are awesome Roger!!

Jonathan said...

Also, did you make this blog all by yourself or did the smart guy need a tmplate?

Krista said...

Roger though I will enjoy reading your blog I not enjoy it more than I enjoy beating you in ping pong week after week. (Except of course for this week when I let you win.)

Jonathan said...

I think you used improper grammer on that "not" thing. Just saying... Ok.

faith said...

Good to have you as a fellow blogger, mr webb. (jason, guess what!! roger hates it even MORE than you when you call him by his last name! isn't that awesome...)

Jonathan said...

I forgot Jason's last name... I don't even know it!