
Halloween is so much different as the "adult"

This year, I got lots of use out of my Jester outfit. Its been 5 years now, but, when you pay $400 for a custom costume to fit a mutant... you use it as often as you can. Ive always wanted to be a jester, but all the "normal" costumes look so cheezy. The oppertunity arose... so I took it. Once I ogt it.. I started wanting to go the the Texas Ren Fair and see how well I fit in.

Well, This past week has seen alot of fun in the jester suit. starting with a visit to the Jr High Homeschool day at the Texas Ren Fair. We were some of the few that werent running the fair yet were dressed in full gear. Apparently all the kids that were there got a book at the enterance of characters in the ren fair to find. I kept getting asked if I was in the book somewhere. The best story... was that I was in line for the costume contest in the afternoon. Well, the king, honorable as he was, picked me out and told me that I looked a little old for The Jr High aged Costume Contest. I looked at the King and told him that I could give him a kingdom of people that would argue that I was actually in Jr High. So, just like that, I was out of the costume contest. One of the ladies of the renfair walked up to me and quietly asked how many were in my family. I said 5, and she handed me 5 tickets to come back on a weekend in November. So, it wasnt a total loss.

Sunday, we went to church in costume. I dont think any one else was in costume. I truly dont understand that. Wasnt there a time when everyone did it? Im not that old.

Sunday afternoon, we went to Bowie High School (arent they the bull dogs?) What a fun event. My kids enjoyed it..and Caty and I got a CD from The River 102.3 of Third Day. :) I even got my picture taken for the Year book... Cant wait to see if I actually made it in there. Yes.. I may have made it into Jessica's yearbook! ROFL! Wouldnt that be funny!

Monday night was our neighborhood halloween hay ride. 3 trailers full of hay took a lot of neighborhood kids around to various houses for candy. Quite fun.

And of course, Tuesday night was a festival at Lakehills Community. A lot of fun with bouncy things for the kids.

All this... and my three children have collected a few big bowls of candy. And..being the parent... its my job to pick out the candy that the kids can have... and pick out the candy I want. I mean... pick out the candy that isnt good for them.

At least Halloween is the one week where it is sociably acceptable for me to act like Roger! The other 51 weeks of the year... I would be made fun of for wearing my Jester costume. Its nice to have one week where every one just says.. good costume.. not ... are you really an "Adult"??


Jonathan said...

Nice Roger. I loved the costume!

Anonymous said...

We all know what you really are on the inside Roger- that evil king not letting you enter. Overthrow the king!

internetjason said...

I agree with Colin...overthrow the king! For what it's worth, I enjoy your enthusiasm. Although, if there were any other city besides Austin, I might would think you're weird. Here in this town, you fit right in.

And just wait...all you guys see right now is a dork with an acoustic guitar. As soon as the band gets going it's electric guitars, tattoos, eyebrow piercing, and jumping around like a mad man on stage. I can't wait!!! My point is...Roger won't be alone in the world of "Are you an adult?"

Jonathan said...

I want a tat!! I will get huge flames across my chest!! I think that Colin should really tatoo his adam's apple!! That would be sweet!! Later!!

Jake said...

No, Jonathan. Just...no.

Roger said...

How many years does Jonathan have left? *Sigh*

Jonathan said...
